Are you Looking for A Life Coach?

An Executive Coach?

Have you considered an Existential Coach?

You May Benefit From Coaching If You Are Wanting To Move Forward In One Or More Aspects Of Your Life.

If you are:

  • Searching for meaning

  • Looking for more authenticity

  • Wanting to deepen your relationships

  • Wanting to move forward in your career

  • Wanting a sense of freedom

  • Ready to move in the direction of authentic leadership

  • Ready to take responsibility for you life

What is Coaching?

 The International Coaching Federation (ICF)  defines  coaching as “Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

 Coaching deals with the problems of human existence in a collaborative fashion, without the need to turn life’s difficulties into problems or diagnoses. All forms of coaching work with possibility, inspiration, and vision. I guide people to take ahold of their own sense of agency and move in a direction that they are choosing to move.

 As in the original meaning of the word coach, the nineteenth century horse drawn carriage, what a coach does is help you move from where you are to where you desire to be.

 Why Existential Coaching And Not Other Forms Of Life Coaching?

 All Life Coaching has some roots in various forms of psychotherapy: Humanistic Psychology, e.g. Active Listening-Reflecting of Carl Rogers; Psychoanalysis, e.g., the recognition of the past’s influence on the present: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). e.g., analyzing thoughts and beliefs in relation to goals and goal setting. Existential Psychotherapy has been influencing the world of coaching since around the year 2000.

 From decades of experience as an existential therapist I have come to recognize that the essential elements of Existential Therapy are especially suited for coaching. The relationship in existential therapy is egalitarian; the therapist is not an expert. Existential  psychotherapy is contrary to the medical model and does not use diagnosis. Existential Therapists deal with the everyday challenges of human existence and these are not indicative of pathology or a mental disorder. By facing these everyday challenges, or existential dilemmas we find doorways to more authenticity, joy, and vibrancy. We become more response-able for our own life. We can live fully embodied, fully engaged with all of life. We take control of our lives instead of imagining that life controls us. 

Here Are A Few Examples Of Existential Dilemas

  • Freedom in the context of the material world.

  • Responsibility for all of our choices

  • Creating meaning in our lives

  • Finding authenticity in the face of freedom

  • Finding authenticity in relationship

  • Having a past, present and a future, and choosing how to relate to each in a meaningful way.

  • The perpetual presence of death

What is Applied Existential Coaching?

Applied Existential Coaching (AEC) was developed by Dr, Betty Cannon and me in response to a need we observed for an in-depth approach to life issues outside of the medical model. We derived this approach from Dr. Cannon’s creation, Applied Existential Psychotherapy (AEP). It is a psychotherapeutic approach grounded in the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre and other existential phenomenologists, along with Martin Buber, Gestalt Therapy, Somatic Psychology, Humanistic Psychology, and Psychoanalysis.

AEC is non-directive, person-centered, no diagnosis, and non prescriptive.  You will work toward your own dreams and aspirations. My approach helps you vision what direction you would like to take in your life, career, and relationships, both personal and business. I facilitate your overcoming obstacles and taking full ownership of your future. You will connect to your creativity and passion and live a more joyful embodied existence, engaged with the present moment as you launch into your future.

In the conclusion  section of “Being And Nothingness”, Sartre states that the result of existential psychoanalysis must be the repudiation of the “spirit of seriousness”. The spirit of seriousness is a fixed identity, without movement, solid, without possibility of change, a denial of freedom.  In AEC we talk about what Dr Cannon calls “ the spirit of play”, holding identity lightly, embracing fluidity, possibility, creativity, and freedom.

Are You Ready For Change?

If you are ready to be more engaged with life, more creative in your choices, more authentic and responsible in your leadership decisions, feel free to contact me today for any further information or a complimentary online consultation. There is no better time than today to play, and embrace your freedom.